Saturday, February 25, 2017

Day and Night

The difference between you and me
my friend
is the difference between day and night,
because while the logic
remains unchanged,
there are many things
sanity would stop you
from saying
in the light of day.

- - -


is a weighty topic
unless you are talking
rather recklessly
about being true
to yourself
in which case
no more alcohol for you
my dear, dear, drunk friend

. . .

The Question

How we crave
for connection
has a tell
hiding in plain sight
in every conversation
that should
within the limitation of polite society
but then, you ask
the question

What about you?

. . .

Monday, February 13, 2017


What if heaven is not a place
for joy, pleasure, or euphoria
but oblivion
where, not acutely aware
of your own unhappiness
You can finally find

. . .


It’s not about what you have done, Or what you can do. It’s not a thing that’s bound to reality. Our unhappiness is bound only by our i...