Thursday, December 22, 2016

Methods of Rationality

While equally terrible
feeling everything at once
or nothing at all
should at least have the decency
of being mutually exclusive
and it is beyond reason
that my chest can feel
empty and heavy
all at once

. . .

Monday, December 5, 2016

Shakespeare was a fucking genius.

Be a Roman in Rome
be charming, be delightful
be active, be beautiful
be articulate, be sociable
be funny, be responsible
be carefree, be fashionable

but still, and this is important -
be yourself.
. . .

Friday, September 23, 2016

Dazed, but not quite confused

Not here in the present, no
but not quite in the past either,
defying me and defying time,
you are in limbo, in dreams
that are not quite nightmares

. . .

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Today 3:00 AM

Sometimes when I get too drunk and can't sleep
sometimes when it's three in the morning and I can't sleep
mostly when it's dark enough and I can't sleep
I toss and turn and curse the world
and then still awake
I stare at the ceiling
and quietly
miss you.

. . .

Friday, April 29, 2016


Sometimes you need
your friends to have your back
your ambitions to keep on track
sometimes you need to get lost in thought
sometimes to not care about a lot
sometimes to have a change of pace
sometimes to stay in a place

Other times what you need is silence.

. . .

Wednesday, March 9, 2016


someone poking at you
once in a while
is a nice change of pace,
but how okay would you be
with your insides laid out
for someone else to discern
what you are made of
once and for all


Sunday, January 31, 2016

One Motif, Many Songs

In chasing
in circles
a belief in the present
a hope for the future
One could argue
Faith is the underlying motif
in God
and other science fiction



It’s not about what you have done, Or what you can do. It’s not a thing that’s bound to reality. Our unhappiness is bound only by our i...